Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hello and welcome to the inside...

This is scary.  I am allowing you inside my head.  Don't be afraid of what you may find in there, trust me I have seen it and its not all that bad.  Pardon the dust while I remodel a little though...

Welcome to all of you!  I will be quite honest with you, I have never blogged before.  As a matter of fact I have never really read anybody else's blogs often.  The occasional sports blog from a friend or someone from church, but nothing really substantial.   So this is a whole new world for me.  Who knows, maybe its going to be a whole new one for you!

I hope to post some thought provoking topics that may (or more than likely may not) help some of you other stay at home dads deal with the crap we deal with.  More often than not I will just get into a rant about shit that has pissed me off at the time, but I hope that we can rationally work within this medium and who knows, maybe we can all let off some steam and live longer. 

Anyway, as Alice Cooper once said "Welcome to my Nightmare..."  Welcome in my friends and I hope you enjoy the ride!

Until next time....(God only knows when that will be!)
Take care,


1 comment:

  1. I like it, Big Daddy!!! Keep writing. I'll keep reading.
