Thursday, March 3, 2011

How do you show that special woman you love them?

Hello again to all!  Its been a long time since I have written and I hope I haven't lost all my faithful following (all 5 of!) Life has been crazy but here I am if you are ready to read...

I have been thinking in my mind, which in itself is scary, about how much I love my wife.  With our 9th wedding anniversary coming up (15 years together) I am deeply touched by how much our love has grown since our first date.  I often wonder if I tell her or show her how much I love her enough....

Do you need to make a grand deal out of declaring your love for that special woman?  Do you need to shout it from the rooftops, hire a plane to carry a banner over her office all day or send a singing telegram (do they still do those?)  The answer is no.

I have found out that its the little things that we as husbands do that can show her how much we love them.  Show them that each day our love grows deeper than the last.  Its the little things like a surprise $5 footlong made her way (black forest ham and swiss for my baby!), two bottles of Coke Zero and quick lunch date that can say I love you better than any hallmark card can.  Maybe its the surprise little box on her pillow for when she crawls into bed, that little necklace or earrings that she has wanted but didn't want to splurge on that brings a tear of joy to her eyes and kiss so deep that you can still feel it on your lips two days later.  Is it that pair of shoes that she has been talking about for days but knows that if she buys them you will flip over the price tag?  Then go out and buy them and make it a surprise for her fool!  Show that woman that you love her and want only to make her happy until the good Lord takes your last heartbeat away. 

My advice to you my friends is listen to her, and I don't mean just enough to acknowledge her problem and try to fix it, I mean really listen to her and understand what she wants, what she likes and what the little things are that you do that make her the happiest.  Do them.  Then do another one again when she least expects anything special or romantic.  Make sure that she knows you love her as much as the day you said it the first time and that you love her more the next day. 

Good luck to all of you on showing her how you feel!

God bless!


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