Yesterday started my second week back to school. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that in my previous blogs or profile? I am not only a stay at home dad and displaced worker I am also an undergrad student at EMU. I figured since I lost my job the best thing for me to do was to let the government pay for me to get a real bachelors degree in a growing field that hopefully I can use to better our family life. Okay there is the background info that I know you were all dying to read....(did I mention I minor in sarcasm?)
So as I was saying yesterday was the start of my second week of what should be my last semester before I graduate and as I was sitting in my Econ class I started to look around and really see and listen to the students around me. Now I am 35 (almost 36) and still consider myself a "veteran young guy" in terms of my physical well being and the fun things I like to do, but as I listened and looked at these students I started to feel older than them by a ton of years. I realized I had no desire to be out til the wee hours of the morning doing keg stands, trying to pick up the co-eds and if that didn't work picking a fight with another guy just to prove I am the man. Dude, I even had one young jackass ask me if I was the professor on the first day! Little bastard pulls that again and I will pick a fight just to show him I am not the professor once and for all!
Anyway, I know I am older than them and I know that if I had my head out of my ass when first started college some years ago then I wouldn't be in a 100 level Philosophy and 200 level Econ class with 18 and 19 year old kids so its my fault I am there pondering this, but I am still young right? I'm not old am I? I can still (Wii) party and Rock (band) with the best of them right? Yeah, that's right I'm not old...I really am just a veteran young guy! Damn right baby and don't you young whipper-snappers forget it or I will put my cane upside your ass!
Okay all until next time...Party on dudes (and dudettes!)
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