Sunday, January 2, 2011

Vacation was great, but....

Ok is it just me or is anyone else ready for the kids to go back to school?  Don't get me wrong I love my girls and these last two weeks of Christmas vacation have been great.  We have played with all their new toys, run the batteries down in the Wii remotes twice and had more tea parties (yes I am man enough to have tea parties, you gotta problem with that?!) with American girl dolls than I can count but I think its time.  They need to get back with their friends.  They need to get back to their routine.  THEY NEED TO GET TO BED ON TIME! 

Okay I've ranted enough for that topic, I've said my piece and now its time to go make breakfast for the princesses...they are getting impatient and the last thing I need to hear is "Daddy, a princess should not be kept waiting."  Damn Disney movies....

Take care until next time,

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