Friday, January 7, 2011

GPS and turn signals....

Okay I told you all in the beginning I may go off on a rant so be forewarned....

What the hell is it with some people?  I understand the whole GPS in the car.  Its a great tool for those that can't read a map or are not familiar with an area.  Hell I have used one myself so I know how they work.  Now correct me if I am wrong on this put in your destination and presto it tells you how to get there turn by turn right?  Most of them (if not all) have nice pleasant voice that tells you a turn is coming up in "x" amount of miles or feet or whatever right?  So then tell me dear people, HOW FRICKING HARD IS IT TO TURN ON YOUR TURN SIGNAL WHEN YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU HAVE TO TURN?!  I mean come on you know damn well you are turning so why wait until you are 10 feet from the turn, slam on your brakes start to turn and then turn on your signal?  Get a clue you idiots!  There would be a whole hell of a lot less accidents, people with road rage and high blood pressure meds in my Rx cocktail for sure!  GRRRRRRRRRR! 

Okay, sorry about that but sometimes there are just things that piss me off and you get to read about them....

Anyway until next time y'all come back now ya hear?


1 comment:

  1. Jamie has turn signal issues too... you should ask him about it sometime.
