Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It has been too long....

Hello again to all my faithful fans out there!  Yes it has been too long since I have written or ranted about anything in particular, but that is not what the topic title is about....

Let me refresh your memory a little bit, take a walk down memory lane with me won't you.... it was December 1, 2008 and I was just informed that as of close of business that day my services as well as the rest of the office staff would no longer be necessary.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year sucker!

Okay on to present day.  Here I sit once again as I have since that fateful day that my life took a downward spiral sending out resume after resume, filling out online applications and trying to find that door that I can just squeeze in to get myself on the right path to getting back on my feet in the workforce.  Oh did I mention that now what makes this even better is that I have finally, after 18 years of pissing around, graduated with a bachelors degree!  Woot!  Go me!  Or does that make it worse?  Here I sit almost 36 with degree and still can't find a job.  What the hell has happended to this State?  So now I am calling on all my working friends to maybe put my resume at the top of the pile at their work for me, just in case I happen to have something that the hiring people just can't live without.  I hate to beg and ask favors of friends but nowadays its not what you know its who....hopefully I know some good people!

All I need is the chance and am I doing everything in my power to make it happen, its just depressing to think that there are so many others out there like me who go through this everyday as well.  Are you out there my friends?  Maybe we should start a club, but who among us can afford the membership dues?  Is it time to start looking out of state for work and uproot the family?  Is the State and Federal government ever going to do anything to help us or are we just a sinking ship?

Anyway, enough of my pissing and moaning about the state of this State....its good to be back to my old musings and maybe, just maybe when I post again I will have some better news on the horizon.  If not, at least I can try to give you a rant on something that has pissed me off that day! 

Until then, be safe and God bless you all!


Monday, March 7, 2011

How do you know when its time?

I have a question for all of you readers out do you know when its time to cut ties with people in your life you bring in more drama and negativity than they bring in good?

Now don't worry those of you who I consider my friends reading this I am speaking in hypotheticals here nothing drastic like I am looking to cut you out of my life.  But honestly when is it the right time to just let those people go, especially if you have known them for awhile?  Do you just slowly phase them out, make plans without them and hope that they catch the hint?  Do you just come right out and say I don't need your drama and your negativity anymore and walk away with a clean break?  Its a hard choice to make and I was curious to know what the mass populace of my faithful following think...

I know that at sometime or another many of you have wanted to cut that person (or people) out of your life for a long time, or even for good.  How do you do it? I know the way I would want to do it but I am running out of room to hide the evidence....j/k! 

Until next time my friends take care!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

How do you show that special woman you love them?

Hello again to all!  Its been a long time since I have written and I hope I haven't lost all my faithful following (all 5 of!) Life has been crazy but here I am if you are ready to read...

I have been thinking in my mind, which in itself is scary, about how much I love my wife.  With our 9th wedding anniversary coming up (15 years together) I am deeply touched by how much our love has grown since our first date.  I often wonder if I tell her or show her how much I love her enough....

Do you need to make a grand deal out of declaring your love for that special woman?  Do you need to shout it from the rooftops, hire a plane to carry a banner over her office all day or send a singing telegram (do they still do those?)  The answer is no.

I have found out that its the little things that we as husbands do that can show her how much we love them.  Show them that each day our love grows deeper than the last.  Its the little things like a surprise $5 footlong made her way (black forest ham and swiss for my baby!), two bottles of Coke Zero and quick lunch date that can say I love you better than any hallmark card can.  Maybe its the surprise little box on her pillow for when she crawls into bed, that little necklace or earrings that she has wanted but didn't want to splurge on that brings a tear of joy to her eyes and kiss so deep that you can still feel it on your lips two days later.  Is it that pair of shoes that she has been talking about for days but knows that if she buys them you will flip over the price tag?  Then go out and buy them and make it a surprise for her fool!  Show that woman that you love her and want only to make her happy until the good Lord takes your last heartbeat away. 

My advice to you my friends is listen to her, and I don't mean just enough to acknowledge her problem and try to fix it, I mean really listen to her and understand what she wants, what she likes and what the little things are that you do that make her the happiest.  Do them.  Then do another one again when she least expects anything special or romantic.  Make sure that she knows you love her as much as the day you said it the first time and that you love her more the next day. 

Good luck to all of you on showing her how you feel!

God bless!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Molly Maid?!

Let me tell you one thing, I hate the mess that comes with winter.  Love winter...get to go snowboarding, hot cocoa, body heat for warmth in bed ;-) but I hate the added mess that comes with it.  Many of you may recall from an earlier post that we have a rather large dog (and a smaller one too!) and two cats so there are chances that there will be some kind of pet hair all over the place until the vacuum is run.  Sometimes, and more often than not since all vacuums suck, there will still be pet hair.  Now add to that mess the large, wet, snow covered pawprints from the giant beast and you can imagine my floors.

Well suffice to say its been a couple of busy weeks (obviously since I haven't blogged) and since I am the stay at home dad, I haven't deep cleaned as well as I usually do.  Its not my fault, really...I have had school, and substitute taught and karate believe me right?  Anyway....

So today is my day off of school and usually I clean the house, laundry and all that jazz.  Now this morning my wife says to me before leaving, "baby can you Molly Maid this house today?"  My first thought was HELL YEAH I can hire a maid!  Wooot!!  Then it hit me, oh yeah I get to be the maid today.  I am the cleaning crew.  Not a big deal really, but it has come to my attention that since we are men who are staying at home we need another name for the housework besides Molly Maid.  Something tough, something CAVEMAN CLEANING!!!  Arr, arr, arr...urggh...ruffff!!  Yeah that's right I grunted like a bad Tim Allen re-rerun and I will do it again if I want to!  Molly Maid indeed....

I digress, whether its caveman of molly maid suffice to say the house needed it and I am happy to do it.  But I am not wearing the maids outfit ever again....well maybe the French maid but that is a whole different thing...LMAO!!!!!  Now there is an image for those who know me!

Take care until next time!


Monday, January 17, 2011

I must be crazy...

I must be possessed or something.  Maybe my mind has been addled by too many hits to the head.  What sane father would request a play date when he will be the only adult there?

Let me preface this part...since today is the observation of MLK day, my girls and my wife are all off today (my wife is a teacher, duh!)  So our karate school is having an all day scrap-a-thon fundraiser for our team to go to South Korea to compete in the world tournament.  So that means my wife will be there (since a. she is the head of the fundraising committee and b. she loves to scrapbook) so I get to play with the girls all day.  So how am I going to entertain my girls all day until its time for karate?  That's it, that's a great idea lets have play date! 

Doh!  What the hell am I thinking?  A play date?  Two extra kids?  Two more sassy rug rats running around?  Dude what drugs did I take and not realize what they were?  Ok, ok I'll admit its not going to be that bad.  Hopefully they all play nice together and I don't have to break up fights, and if the weather is going to hold there is always the sled hill...yeah that'll be cool!  We could have hot cocoa and have a Wii party too!  Okay maybe this stay at home thing with a play date won't be so bad..maybe!

Well, if I survive I will see you all next time!


Friday, January 14, 2011

And the husband of the year award goes to....

(Said in my best announcer voice...) "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the final award of the night, the moment you have all been waiting for.  The award for the husband of the year goes to....."

Nope.  Not me.  Not even close on that one this time I think.  I am going to lay a little truth on you all, I hope you can handle it...

I am an asshole sometimes.  A jackass.  An unthinking, walking penis at times...and they sad part is I know it and don't know how to fix it. 

Guys, you all have been there right?  You know there are those days where no matter how much you think you are doing the right thing it always turns out to be the wrong thing.  Is it just me or does it happen too often to the people you love the most as well? 

There are days that it seems that I am the front runner (in my mind) for the award.  Everything goes right and when I finally am able to sleep I am happy with the way the day has gone.  Then there are days where I look at myself in the mirror and say "WTF did you do?"  I often wonder if when I feel like I have one of those days if it really is happening or is it just me?  Then I often don't sleep going over in my head what happened that either pissed me off, pissed off someone I love or made the day just seem to drag on and on like it would never end.  Those are the nights where I think that I am acting like an ass because I am upset that I am the one that is home, the one taking care of the house, the laundry, the vacumming and all that.  If the reason I acted like a jackass is because I resent the fact that I am not the one making the income and supporting my family like I want to be....

I digress, and by now you are more than likely bored with my line of questioning and not coming up with an answer.  If you made it this far into the post I am greatly since it might just help me find the answers I am seeking...

Remember my fellow stay at home dads, this thing that we do...being the one home with the kids and taking care of our spouse or significant other is actually a blessing.  We can learn to be a better man and not to only think with the wrong head.  Who knows, maybe my little Q & A with myself can help you not be an ass today...God willing it will help me not to be one as well.  Last but not least, baby if you read my blog I want to say I love you and I will try not to be an ass today!

Take care until next time!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Am I really a veteran young guy?

Yesterday started my second week back to school.  Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that in my previous blogs or profile?  I am not only a stay at home dad and displaced worker I am also an undergrad student at EMU.  I figured since I lost my job the best thing for me to do was to let the government pay for me to get a real bachelors degree in a growing field that hopefully I can use to better our family life.  Okay there is the background info that I know you were all dying to read....(did I mention I minor in sarcasm?)

So as I was saying yesterday was the start of my second week of what should be my last semester before I graduate and as I was sitting in my Econ class I started to look around and really see and listen to the students around me.  Now I am 35 (almost 36) and still consider myself a "veteran young guy" in terms of my physical well being and the fun things I like to do, but as I listened and looked at these students I started to feel older than them by a ton of years.  I realized I had no desire to be out til the wee hours of the morning doing keg stands, trying to pick up the co-eds and if that didn't work picking a fight with another guy just to prove I am the man.  Dude, I even had one young jackass ask me if I was the professor on the first day!  Little bastard pulls that again and I will pick a fight just to show him I am not the professor once and for all!

Anyway, I know I am older than them and I know that if I had my head out of my ass when first started college some years ago then I wouldn't be in a 100 level Philosophy and 200 level Econ class with 18 and 19 year old kids so its my fault I am there pondering this, but I am still young right?  I'm not old am I?  I can still (Wii) party and Rock (band) with the best of them right?  Yeah, that's right I'm not old...I really am just a veteran young guy!  Damn right baby and don't you young whipper-snappers forget it or I will put my cane upside your ass!

Okay all until next time...Party on dudes (and dudettes!)


Friday, January 7, 2011

GPS and turn signals....

Okay I told you all in the beginning I may go off on a rant so be forewarned....

What the hell is it with some people?  I understand the whole GPS in the car.  Its a great tool for those that can't read a map or are not familiar with an area.  Hell I have used one myself so I know how they work.  Now correct me if I am wrong on this put in your destination and presto it tells you how to get there turn by turn right?  Most of them (if not all) have nice pleasant voice that tells you a turn is coming up in "x" amount of miles or feet or whatever right?  So then tell me dear people, HOW FRICKING HARD IS IT TO TURN ON YOUR TURN SIGNAL WHEN YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU HAVE TO TURN?!  I mean come on you know damn well you are turning so why wait until you are 10 feet from the turn, slam on your brakes start to turn and then turn on your signal?  Get a clue you idiots!  There would be a whole hell of a lot less accidents, people with road rage and high blood pressure meds in my Rx cocktail for sure!  GRRRRRRRRRR! 

Okay, sorry about that but sometimes there are just things that piss me off and you get to read about them....

Anyway until next time y'all come back now ya hear?


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Daddy you're like an army....

"Daddy you're like an army" is not the kind of thing that I would have imagined my littlest daughter, who we have nicknamed "Punky" (she loves that old 80's show!) would have ever said to me.  At first I thought "yeah that's right, BigDaddy is tough and a bad@$$!"  but the more I got to think about it was that a good thought that she had?

I have a confession.  I am very protective of my girls and my wife.  Some would say a little over-protective...okay maybe a little more than over!  But who can blame me?  I love my wife and girls more than my own life and of course want to protect them from the things can hurt them.  Physically and mentally.  I want to be that rock that cannot be broken so they can always feel safe, is that a bad thing?

In actuality I guess maybe it can be a bad thing to be too overprotective.  For the first year of our oldest daughters life I swear my in-laws family must have thought I hated them.  I was watching our baby like hawk whenever she was not close by or was being held by someone else.  Then I learned to back off, until our youngest was born and we found out she had a life threatening peanut allergy (I will blog on that topic another day.)  Forgot a hawk, I was an eagle ready to shred someone of the got too close.  Hindsight being 20/20 I guess I made people feel uncomfortable around me when the girls were there....sorry about that folks!

But I digress...people often say they will take a bullet for their loved ones and in the case of the three girls in my house that is more than true.  I guess daddy really is an army; I will protect them, fight for them and defend them until God sees fit to take the last breath from my body.  But...I will learn to take it down a notch. Being an army for your loved ones is a good thing, but there is such a thing as covert ops right?  In the end as long as they know that daddy will always be there then that is all I can hope for.

Until next time my friends, take care!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Quality time with my girls....

Yep.  I am a dad.  To daughters.  Two of them.  God help me.....

One of the things that I feel is the most important to me is that I have something special with my girls.  Right now they are young and still think that daddy is the greatest man on earth.  Why can't they keep the perspective for the rest of their lives?  I know that someday in the future there will be other boys that come around (God help the first one that comes to date my daughters...I am going to use that one as a warning to all the rest, don't mess with daddies girls!)  For right now I have something special with my girls, something that we do together...Tang Soo Do!

Tang Soo Do is a Korean martial art.  The girls and I have been practicing it now for almost two years together and let me tell you my friends, I have found few greater joys that being able to see my little angels practice, learn and achieve each new belt rank they have gotten.  They know that daddy is right there with them, learning, sweating, teaching and in some cases when I am the attack dummy, hurting (thanks Kyo Sa!) right along with them.  Our goal is of course to earn our black belts and I know how fulfilling it will be for me personally to earn mine, but to be able to see my girls earn theirs will be a feeling that I don't think I can put into words.

In this little story into my life I hope you the reader can find something that you can do with your kids that is just for you with them.  Martial arts for us is something that daddy does with them and mommy supports us 110%!  Good luck to you and I hope you too can find your thing that brings you closer together.

Until next time,


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Vacation was great, but....

Ok is it just me or is anyone else ready for the kids to go back to school?  Don't get me wrong I love my girls and these last two weeks of Christmas vacation have been great.  We have played with all their new toys, run the batteries down in the Wii remotes twice and had more tea parties (yes I am man enough to have tea parties, you gotta problem with that?!) with American girl dolls than I can count but I think its time.  They need to get back with their friends.  They need to get back to their routine.  THEY NEED TO GET TO BED ON TIME! 

Okay I've ranted enough for that topic, I've said my piece and now its time to go make breakfast for the princesses...they are getting impatient and the last thing I need to hear is "Daddy, a princess should not be kept waiting."  Damn Disney movies....

Take care until next time,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Well here it is another start to another year.  What will this year bring for Big Daddy?  A question that I am pondering myself even as I sit and drink my coffee.....

Before I look ahead I always like to look back and see what happended over the last year...reflection is a mirror to the soul or some other bullshit like that.  Let's see what happended in 2010....
  1. Unemployment ran out
  2. No new job
  3. Micheal Jackson died
  4. Somehow the losers on Jersey Shore are still using their 15 minutes of fame...
Ok enough of that crap.  So 2010 wasn't the greatest of years, but you know what who cares?  I am still alive and healthy.  My wife is still beautiful and loves me and my children are still perfect to me so in my view 2010 was still awesome!  I hope it rocked for you as well!

2011 here I come....screw the resolutions that I never keep.  I am just going to live for the day, take each day one at a time and live, laugh, love and be thankful for what I have not be pissed off about what we lack.  So I guess you can call that a resolution...

Anyway Happy 2011 to all my readers (if there are any!)  I hope this year kicks some ass for you too!

See you soon!

Big Daddy